graphic design and marketing too
I’m Not Just a Graphic Designer – I’m a Marketer Too

Edizkan Ata, Senior Manager, User Experience Senior Manager, User Experience

One of the proud moments of my career happened when I was working overseas at an ad agency. One of our clients was a large natural gas distributor, which had […]

Guided by Content
Don’t Just Be a Content Marketer – Stand Out as a Content Navigator

Chris Rudnick Marketing Manager

Over the years, we have all witnessed the power shift in the buyer/seller relationship. The education that a buying team requires in order to make a well-informed purchase decision is […]

smarter sales and marketing succesful hacks
Smarter Sales and Marketing: 2014 Success Hacks for 2015 Action

Lisa Dennis President

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is part of our “Smarter Sales and Marketing” series, a regular feature where technology marketing and sales experts will be sharing insight, tools, and best practices to help today’s leaders […]

2015 Global Content Marketing Checklist: Are You Localizing?

Garrett Mann Vice President, Corporate Communications

As you plan your content marketing efforts for 2015, there are a number of things to consider when it comes to development and distribution of your content within specific global […]

what social media marketers can learn from chicago poiltics
What Social Media Marketers Can Learn From the Chicago Political Machine

Ben Rubenstein Sr. Manager, Social Media & Online Community

“We don’t want nobody nobody sent.” Ask a Chicago native what the above quote means, and you’ll hear about the patronage-driven political machine that ruled the city for years (and […]

Audience Segmentation in Research-Based Content Marketing
Audience Segmentation in Research-Based Content Marketing

Cherry Taylor Managing Director, Dynamic Markets Limited

Original research can fuel effective content marketing campaigns. B2B audiences, in particular, value original research because it offers that rare but high-impact form of persuasion: objective, independent, third-party, peer-based opinion. […]

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