b2b branding
B2B Branding: Just Work, Baby

Andrew Briney Chief Product Officer

They say death and taxes are the only universal certainties. To those I would add: Everybody consumes. And all consumption is influenced by branding. B2B Branding: What do logic and […]

2 Attributes
6 Must-Have Data Requirements to Find Your Next Deal {Infographic}

Garrett Mann Vice President, Corporate Communications

As technology marketing and sales has evolved, there has been a seismic shift in how buyers buyers evaluate vendors and make IT purchase decisions. To keep pace, marketers have begun […]

graphic designer
3 Questions Marketers Should Ask the Next Graphic Designer They Interview

Vince Bitel VP of Creative Services

Every time I’ve been hired to work in a technology company, I’ve been interviewed and hired by a marketer and not by another graphic designer. If you are a marketer, […]

graphic design and marketing too
I’m Not Just a Graphic Designer – I’m a Marketer Too

Edizkan Ata, Senior Manager, User Experience Senior Manager, User Experience

One of the proud moments of my career happened when I was working overseas at an ad agency. One of our clients was a large natural gas distributor, which had […]

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